On Saturday we traveled to Ephrata, PA for my cousin Lisa's wedding. It was such a good time. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was fun. Great food and favors (my cousin Tori made these really cute flowers with Hershey kisses in the middle - they live really close to Hershey, so it was quite fitting :) And then we all headed to Lisa & Randy's house for the "after party." It was so much fun to be together with everyone and just relax and enjoy one another's company. Like I said before, we hadn't seen most of them for over a year and some even longer, so it was nice to reconnect.
Highlights included Hershey flowers, flipping chairs over, great food, dancing on the porch, baby ducks, fart noise makers :P, bubbles and much laughter. Overall a great time, I wish it could have lasted longer. Thanks Lisa & Randy!!
Highlights included Hershey flowers, flipping chairs over, great food, dancing on the porch, baby ducks, fart noise makers :P, bubbles and much laughter. Overall a great time, I wish it could have lasted longer. Thanks Lisa & Randy!!
Here is a papercutting that I made for their special day. It was nice to get back into cutting since I haven't really done any since Christmas. I really need to make more time to do the things I love - it's good to be reminded once in awhile! Hopefully there will be more of these this year! (You can click on it to enlarge it - the two hearts at top represent Tori & Calvin - the two children that were brought together through this marriage.)