Thursday, November 8, 2007

Camera Happy

I can't stop taking pictures! I love our new camera! I finally can show pictures of these cool Cairns at Taughannock. I've tried taking pictures with my phone all summer but they never were clear enough to really get the picture.
So the story with these Cairns is that a few were built at the bottom of the falls earlier this spring and as the summer went on, it seemed that everyone who visited contributed to the collection. Now there are hundreds of them! Cairns have a long history but in short they are artificial stone structures used anywhere from marking burial sites, to trails, or just for pure pleasure and zen. They're pretty cool, especially when there are so many, like here.

Here are some dried out seed pods. Not sure exactly what plant it is, but they're pretty. AND it shows off how good of pictures our camera can take! I've kind of gotten out of the habit of seeing things in the light of being able to take a good picture, but I'm sure it will come back quickly.

Both the main falls and lower falls of Taughannock. The leaves are almost done :(

And finally a good snuggle with Abner - what a sweet boy :)

1 comment:

Bernadette said...

Nice cairns. We found some cool ones last April in Red Rocks, Nevada.