I know that it's February, and I am so far behind with blogging, but hopefully this weekend will allow me time to catch up. I've been meaning to post these pictures for too long :). These are all crafts/homemade gifts that we received this year (oh, I mean last year). My mom's side of the family does a big craft exchange every year. It's a lot of fun to see what everyone comes up with. This year was quite a good one if I don't say so myself!
And actually we have so many crafty and creative people in our entire family!
My Aunt Pat & Uncle Bob hosted our get-together this year. On all of the tables in the gathering room, they had these great decorations.
My Aunt Pat is a master seamstress and had sewn table runners and embroidered these cute snowflakes on them.
My Uncle Bob is a master woodworker and made these little manger scenes.
My Aunt Pat also made these oven mits.
My Uncle Bob also made these amazing little wood stars for the tops of our trees.
My Aunt Pat embroidered her Christmas cards too! I think she is enjoying her new machine :)
And my Uncle Bob also made these amazing little wooden ornaments. Do you think they have enough to do? :)
My Aunt Pat ALSO made some jam.
From David and Jeannie we received these hand embroidered table runners.
From my cousins Kathy & Jeff, we received these embroidered towels. I think everyone got different designs - ours were cute little hemlock pine cones.
And they also decorated their bags - so cute:)
My cousins Brian and Stacy made some awesome cookies. I would have pictures of them but we ate them too quick! They had about 6 different kinds - Yummy!!
My cousins Mike and JoAnne made these pretty crystal ornaments (and actually, I think their daughter Madison helped more than Mike :)
From my Aunt Nene and Uncle Jim we received this neat hand painted snowman wall decoration. My aunt is a master painter ;)
She also painted these beautiful note cards.
My mother painted the picture on this wooden box. (She has been taking a watercolor class and I think she's pretty darn talented!)
Inside the box she had these neat necklaces that she had made.
My mom also had a whole bunch of these flipflops that she had made for all the ladies. Pretty cute!
From my cousins Jim and Heather we received these neat glowing bottles. Everyone got different wine bottles but we got a beer bottle - quite fitting :)
Now onto Mike's family! His mom was a knitting fool this past year and made socks for a whole bunch of people. These are the ones Mike received. (I got my pair last year!)
She also made these cute ornaments to hang.
Betsy made some natural aftershave for Mike (Bay Rum) and a lavender scrub for me. They both smell sooo good!
Sarah got into the jewelery making scene and made me these beautiful earrings. She's been coming up with such great designs - we're planning a beading night soon :)
And Ryan made up some awesome Jellies and Jams - quite the variety (click on the picture to see contents)
And last but not least, I was invited to a cookie exchange at the elementary school and my teacher made these cute little ornaments. They are slices of a branch with little beads sprinkled on top - they almost looked like little cookies :)
So, some pretty amazing creations, wouldn't you say!!!!
And actually we have so many crafty and creative people in our entire family!
So, some pretty amazing creations, wouldn't you say!!!!
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