Sunday, November 16, 2008

Chimney Bluffs State Park

About two weeks ago, I had the chance to visit Chimney Bluffs State Park in Huron, NY. It's all the way up on Lake Ontario, which takes around 2 hours to get to from Ithaca. This was my second trip up there but the first time I could actually hike around. This park is BEAUTIFUL!! The bluffs are actually drumlins, which were created by glaciers during the last ice age. The erosive power of wind, rain, snow, and waves — both from above and below — has formed the landscape into razor-sharp pinnacles. (taken from Wikipedia :) Some of these bluffs are as high as 250ft from the shoreline!

I just find it so hard to believe that we have these things here in NY.

If you walk along the beach, you'll see that it's covered in these perfectly sculpted pebbles and rocks. The colors and shapes are like eye candy. This one was one of my favorites.

The reason that I got to go to Chimney Bluffs is because we had a visitor with us at work. Just this year we got a new head of New York State Park's Interpretive and Environmental Education departments for the state - Ray Perry. So he's been traveling around to each of the regions to check out how we run our departments and what each region has to offer in their natural surroundings. After 3 days of touring around Ithaca and then a few more northern parks, I think he left feeling pretty excited about the Finger Lakes.

This is the crew that I work with!
(Lauren, Lynn, Danielle, Sue, Tom, Ray, and me)
We were at Robert H. Treman State Park


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! Since moving to NY State about 6 years ago - by choice, not chance - I've traveled many of our State Parks, and Sodus Point is so very unique. NY has an amazing array of topography and geographic history. The Finger Lakes offer so much, and I'm sure Ray is leaving as a definite fan of our beautiful area. Oh, and Treman is another incredible place. One of my favorites!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this wonderful photographs and a very unique and exciting place. It's on my list to visit next year for sure!