Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Home

I know that I've been really bad about writing about moving into our place but it has been a pretty hectic 6 weeks! I can't even take the time to write about it now but I'll say that we are loving it here! We've definitely been challenged with a few issues but overall are having a great time. We just don't seem to ever have enough time here - I guess that's just the way it always goes. There is still a ton of unpacking to do, but it's livable and comfortable. Here are some pictures:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

BCTC 2008

Two weekends ago, Mike and I got to go to the "Belgium Comes to Cooperstown" beer festival run by Brewery Ommegang in Cooperstown, NY. And I must say that it was AWESOME! We headed there Friday night and camped two nights. Friday night was pretty much hanging out, then Saturday was the actual festival. It was just the most laid back beer festival that I have ever been to - it was such a great time!

This year's festival had a theme of The Big Lebowski, and one of the brewer's, Wes, dressed as the Dude. They also had the movie showing both nights on a huge screen behind the brewery. They're so crazy!

Here's Wes (Dude)

Here's the Ithaca Beer Co. booth with Mike, Chief, Bill & Mike
They were serving Brute, White Gold & Vitus - an excellent line-up!

This is the back of the brewery - this place is a little piece of heaven settled out by itself in the beautiful, rolling hills of central NY.

Dogfish Head was there as well and we were able to catch up with one of the brewers, Brian, who Mike worked with when he worked there, and his girlfriend Alexis (again - no picture - I've been really slacking with the pictures lately).

Ok, and I had to throw this picture in. They actually had a guy with a Birds of Prey show during the festival. I found it a bit strange, but the birds were beautiful to look at.

The gang from Sam Adams!! It was great to see these folks again (last time was at the Extreme Beer Fest in Boston). (Andrew, Bert & Megan)

Here I am with Megan at our campsite.

Bill & Mike relaxing after the festival....ha

Summer Happenings

I'm back! I have so much to write about but I can't spend the rest of the night at the computer - so I'll attempt to cover as much as possible in a short time.

So the last time I wrote, I was heading to State College for the Arts Festival. It was a great time and I was able to squeeze a lot into just a couple of days. When I arrived to town, I met up with my mom, Jeannie, Evan and Conell. It was kid's day, so we walked around and checked out the crafts. It seems to me that there are more and more cool ideas every year. I was especially excited to see some duct tape and papercuttings being represented!

Here is a cicada that Evan found, which had just come out of it's last molt. It was really cool - the boys loved it!

Evan & Conell eating lemon creamery ice cream - yum!!

Aren't they the cutest!

There was a parade towards the end of the day - everyone was pretty psyched about it :)
(Here is my mom, Evan, Conell & Jeannie)

My friend Joy and her family were also in town. It was the first time that all 5 were in State College - I guess ever (at least since Avi, the baby, was born). It was really great to see them all. Her son Gabe was in our wedding - he's now 10!! So crazy! Her kids are great and we all had some fun bonding times.

Here's Joy holding Avi and her husband Josh next to her.

Me and Gabe!

Layla and Avi - they were posing for me :)

I also got to spend some time with our friends Scott, Ellen & their daughter Olivia, Scott's parents and grandma and the Readinger's too! It was so nice to see everyone and to see how much Olivia has grown.

Here is Ellen with Olivia.

I was also able to catch up with my friend Justine. (I didn't get a picture - boo). But it was so good to see her. She has actually been in State College for several months helping her mom recover from a serious surgery. It was really great to have some quality time with her and catch up. We had lunch at Otto's (State College's brewpub) and then walked around the People's Choice Festival in Boalsburg.

So overall, the trip was very fun-filled and full of nice visits. I must admit that I didn't get as much time at the actual festivals that I had hoped for, but I have a feeling that they will be back next year ;)